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A pull-out Glow-in-the-Dark poster is included with this updated picture book of The Darkest Dark by astronaut Chris Hadfield, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. "While I was growing up, the Moon helped light the path to my dreams. But it was on a hot July night that my dreamy thoughts became real. The brave astronauts of Apollo 11 travelled to that distant place and stepped out onto its surface, their boots blazing a new trail in the ancient grey dust. Those footprints showed me that impossible things can happen." Chris Hadfield. Young Chris is a very important astronaut. When Dad says it's time for bed - Sorry, no can do: An astronaut's work is never done. But in the dark lurk all kinds of scary aliens. So Chris doesn't like to sleep, but Mum and Dad do! When he watches in awe at the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Chris realizes he must overcome his fear of the dark. For in the darkest dark of space lies a power and a mystery that might just help Chris make his dreams come true. Inspired by the childhood of real-life astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield, author of An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth. The Darkest Dark is his debut children's book, brought to life by the illustrations of Terry and Eric Fan. The evocative beauty of their pictures brings to life a bedtime story that will encourage children to dream big, think like an astronaut and embrace the unknown. Based on the author's own experiences, and beautifully illustrated, this is an inspiring story about facing up to fear and following your dreams. Parents in Touch A pitch-perfect, heart-warming story about facing fears and following dreams. Mostly Books A wonderfully warm and exciting picture book... With spectacular colour illustrations by top team, The Fan Brothers, this gorgeous picture book offers both reassurance and a thrilling ride through space. Lancashire Evening Post

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