russian flag ussr cccp russia 90x150cm polyester hammer and sickle printed union of soviet socialist republics flags and banners

Written by the Moscow Design Museum’s Alexandra Sankova and Olga Druzhinina, this book tells the previously untold story of the VNIITE – the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics. Formed in Soviet Russia in 1962, by the design visionary Yuri Soloviev, this vast network contained Moscow’s most progressive designers. The ‘Vniitians’, as they were called, designed for the future and developed new theories and approaches to design in the USSR. But more than ?fty years later, the organisation is all but forgotten. It’s hard to fathom how such an institution, dedicated to the promotion of utopian design, in theory and in practice, and the improvement of design standards within the Soviet Union, could have faded so far from view. After the disintegration of the USSR, the VNIITE and its library of images and prototypes were presumed lost. Until now, that is. Thanks to the efforts of the Moscow Design Museum – and the discovery of the personal archives of some of the VNIITE designers – the story of this remarkable organisation is being pieced back together. Alongside images of sketches, models and prototypes, the book also includes a selection of covers of one of the USSR’s hidden gems of graphic design – the VNIITE’s monthly journal, Technical Aesthetics. Showcased together for the first time, these covers chart Soviet graphic trends from the 1960s to the early 1990s. In the USSR there was a unique design system headed by the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE). In the early 1960s Soviet leadership started to pay attention to design development. In 1962 VNIITE was founded, headed by Yuri Soloviev. The Institute was engaged in developing and implementing design practices, setting standards for product designs, conducting scientific research, and establishing international professional relations.

Витина магазина:

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