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Оригинально оформленный подарочный комплект в футляре. A luxury boxed set containing all of Conan Doyle's novels and stories: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Case-book of Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Valley of Fear, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet and At the Sign of the Four, and The Return of Sherlock Holmes and His Last Bow. Книга 1 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the greatest collection of detective short stories ever written. From his residence at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes solves a series of baffling and bizarre cases using his inimitable deductive powers, recounted to us by the faithful though sometimes bemused Dr Watson. Книга 2 The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes contains Conan Doyle's last twelve stories about his great fictional detective. Compared with earlier collections these tales are darker, exploring such themes as treachery, mutilation and the terrible consequences of infidelity, and containing such gothic touches as a blood-sucking vampire and crypts at midnight. Книга 3 The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of Doyle's best-known Holmes novels, frequently adapted for film and television, which is not surprising given the highly dramatic scenes of mist-wrapped moors echoing to the horrific howls of a supernatural hound. Is this a genuinely devilish apparition or is there a cunning murderer at work? Only Sherlock Holmes can solve the mystery. This volume also contains The Valley of Fear, a dark, powerful tale in which Holmes confronts the evil Professor Moriarty once more. Книга 4 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is back on the case in this collection of sparkling short stories. Not only does Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's brilliant detective investigate a fascinating series of crimes and misdemeanours in The Memoirs, but we also learn about Holmes' early days as a sleuth hound and encounter the detective's brilliant brother, Mycroft, who is a member of the Diogenes Club, one of the strangest establishments in London. And, of course, in The Final Problem Holmes come face to face with his nemesis, Professor Moriarty, The Napoleon of Crime. Their struggle, seemingly to the death, was to leave many readers desolate at the loss of Holmes, but was also to lead to his immortality as a literary figure. As well as his witty and illuminating Afterword to this edition, David Stuart Davies, the illustrious editor of Sherlock magazine, has provided a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Книга 5 The Return of Sherlock Holmes & His Last Bow Ten years after the supposed death of Sherlock Holmes at the Reichenbach Falls, Arthur Conan Doyle was to bow to popular pressure and the large fees offered by publishers to revive the detective's career. To the astonishment of Dr Watson and the delight of his readers Holmes returns to Baker Street, explains how he escaped death at the Falls and is ready to commence detective work once more. Doyle provided a rich and fascinating set of mysteries to challenge his sleuth in this collection. As before, Watson is the superb narrator and his magic remains unchanged and undimmed. In His Last Bow, the final story of this collection, we are told how Sherlock Holmes is brought out of retirement to help the Government fight the German threat at the approach of the First World War. It is the last time that Holmes and Watson work together. As well as his witty and illuminating Afterword to this edition, David Stuart Davies, the illustrious editor of Sherlock magazine, has provided a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes Stories. Книга 6 A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of the Four A Study in Scarlet introduced the great scientific detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, his friend and chronicler, to the reading public. This novel, a cornerstone in the annals of crime fiction, tells of their first meeting and how they set up in rooms together in Baker Street. It is not long before the charismatic sleuth and his faithful companion are plunged into a dramatic mystery which starts with the discovery of a corpse in a deserted house and the letters RACHE scrawled on the wall in blood. The Sign of the Four, the second Holmes novel, presents the detective with one of his greatest challenges - solving the theft of the great Agra treasure in India. In these two classic novels you have the foundation of the Sherlock Holmes legend. As well as his witty and illuminating Afterword to this edition, David Stuart Davies, the illustrious editor of Sherlock magazine, has provided a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes Stories.

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